A Month of Romance
Posted by Antoinette R. Banks | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, January 23, 2010
February marks the month of romance! I vow to take myself and fall back in love with the woman I am; complete with dinner, spas, walks on the beach, painting, and poetry.
Here's an interesting thought:
In the bible it describes a woman as a help meet. A help meet is someone God created and designed for the specific purpose of fulfilling the plan and purpose of man. Since the man (Adam) was already manifested in the natural it has to be the female or the woman God created and designed. So God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man. Then God brought forth out of the man, woman his help meet (Genesis 2:21-22). She was brought to the man who named her woman and the marriage covenant was established between the male and female (Genesis 2:23, 24).
It is the way that God accomplished this that is so significantly important because it is here that God defined the role of the woman as man’s help meet not another man. Why the use of the rib? Why not another bone maybe a toe or finger? The significance of the rib is that it protects the lungs and the heart which are vital organs. The lungs house the breath which represents the spirit and the life force that is in the blood flows through the heart. Therefore the woman is not a friend, lover, and significant other, the object of someone’s affection, a baby factory or just a housewife. She is the protector of the spirit of the man, the heart of man which is the center of his life and she is also the gateway through which all that is in the man would come forth. This is why no man can take the place of the woman. No man can do what the woman does and it is that way by design.
The greater weight seems to be on the woman because of her calling yet she will be the one to suffer the most in the relationship because she rules with emotions as well as intellect.
Because we, as women, can get completely lost within our individual roles as a mom, a sister, a wife, a girlfriend, a daughter, a friend...we lose track of just how important it is to LOVE and I mean REALLY love ourselves.
So women, for the month of February, I invite you to take this journey with me. 28 Days of loving you! I'll be uploading love event's closer to February...I can't wait to see how this goes! And should you have some suggestions...please feel free to type them below.
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