How to Begin a Natural Skin Care Regime

Posted by Antoinette R. Banks | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010


  1. Begin by taking an inventory of potential natural skin care ingredients available in your cupboards and refrigerator. The most common items include citrus fruits, dairy items, sugar, salt, vinegars, aspirin, eggs, honey, oatmeal, olive oil and tea bags.
  2. Decide on the natural skin care ingredients that best address your skin type and skin care issues. Oil skin types will want to focus on more astringent ingredients such as citrus and exfoliating salt or sugar scrubs while sensitive skin types will want to include more soothing items such as olive oil, dairy products and honey.
  3. Develop a natural skin care routine that incorporates a cleansing, scrub, toning, and moisturizing recipe using the natural ingredients best suited for your skin type. A normal skin type might use a sea salt scrub recipe followed by a lemon juice toner and olive oil based moisturizer.
  4. Start collecting natural skin care recipes and experiment with ingredients to determine which are best suited to address your skin care needs.
  5. Most skin types benefit from regular facial steams and a weekly facial treatment. Try whipping up a 10 minute enriching moisturizing facial mask from an egg, a packet of unflavored gelatin, a squeeze of lemon, and a drizzle of olive oil.

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