Dateless for Valentine's Day

Posted by Antoinette R. Banks | Posted in | Posted on Friday, February 12, 2010

1 first I was highly peeved at the fact that I'll be dateless on Valentine's day. To top it off we've even got a date movie out appropriately titled, "Valentine's Day Movie." I typically like V day, because I'm a cheesy romanticist that can't stop daydreaming about a prince charming.

There are so many ideologies surrounding V day. The Huffington Post illustrates that One legend says that a Roman emperor banned soldiers from marrying in the third century, but St. Valentine took issue with this. He became an advocate for soldiers and was executed as a result of his outspokenness. Another legend says St. Valentine was executed for his beliefs in Christianity and just before he died, he left a farewell note for a loved one and signed it "From Your Valentine."

A conventional and widely accepted belief about the holiday itself is that Valentine's Day grew out of a Middle Ages tradition of celebrating Feb. 14 as the day "the birds began to pair." notes that February has long been associated with being a month of love, and Feb. 15 was celebrated in ancient times as a fertility festival.

Needless to say...I am in love with the idea of love. I have asked my 3 year old to be my Valentine as we go get some fabulous lunch and fresh flowers together...maybe even her first pedicure. LOL And when she goes to bed, I'll be drinking something red with a summer salad trying not to cry as I watch Chocolat.

I am and will always be in love with "LOVE."

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