Get OUT My Mind

Posted by Antoinette R. Banks | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2011


"What are you doing in here?" I ask.  He's not in here.  I know he's not.  I close my eyes, and open them slowly. Oh my God he is here.  I lounge across the room. "No, no...put that book down.  And that one too!"

Everything is out in the open now, I couldn't hide anything if I wanted to. I'm exposed...I might as well be standing there naked in front of him. A barely audible whisper escapes my mouth, "put it back on the shelf in alphabetical order please." I take a deep breath, close my eyes and slowly open them...drawing courage from somewhere I didn't know existed.  "I asked you a question, Raphael...what are you doing in here?"

As he stands there, his cologne reaches me...slicing through my barriers of protection...combating the sweet musk of my books in their mahogany shelves.

I look around the room of my treasured possessions.  I looked at the rows and rows of books, manuscripts, poems, words, life cataloged in one room.

Every book in here I wrote
Some I'm not too proud of
Some I wish I could burn
So many pages I wrote
Wish I could revise them
But there's no erasing
And the best advice I got was....
         keep writing
"Oh...nothing. Just looking, turning the pages. You've got some good material," he says with that smirk I used to love.  Should I just run? Should I scream? All I want to do is cry--
"I even took a few pages out that book over there.  I found it quite interesting.""Of what book?!"  He laughs. "Antoinette, what's wrong? Relax! I took a few from the big one over there.  The purple one on the stand."

The title of that purple book was, "My heart."


The question of the day is...who are you going to allow in your mind's library? Who will you grant the access to rip pages from your heart's surface and will stumble upon your "how-to" booklet's to reach your precious inner core's being?   Take it step by by day...and remember, there's no talking in the library.

HT: Dust

Comments (5)

wow powerful u r truly blessed and im so very proud of u!!!! my daughter my first born

Love it! Very creative and very true!

@Domi, thank you for reading, lovely

@Ms. Lashawn, thank you! We have to guard our minds!

Nice Post...

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